Friday, 30 April 2010

Absent Without Leave

I seem to have lost my mojo so I can only resort to throwing up a little painting or two.

If I tell you that I'm disappearing for a while then I might come back sooner than I thought?

Images © Rosie West


  1. beautiful as always :-) LOVE the oyster and pearl!

  2. You will be missed. In fact, you already are.

  3. It's just as well that you are gifted; it makes this allegedly mojo-free post completely worth my while

    We all need a retreat now and again - I've begun to consider that Mode Parade worked better when I allowed lapses of time between entries - yet these blogs of ours are driven by the pearls of interest we accrue. If life is becalmed, it's not for our lack of trying

    See you soon,


  4. Feel I don't deserve such kindness. Thank you. R x

  5. I have to wait for something to fall on me anymore to write. Sometimes a hot bath or a drinking spell will do it. More often it's a prompt from someone you want to please. As big a ho as I am, I ought to be writing our generation's War and Peace.
    You've got watercolor down. If I were you, I'd never mess with dry media again.

  6. Disappearing but not without a beautiful preasent... love the oyster and pearl, love it all. A bientot.

  7. Feed your soul and take care of yourself.

  8. Rose, That you will never do! your Mojo will never Gogo. Your paintings will always do when words fail. Go to the V& A and tell me about the Grace exhibit. Was she extremely popular in England? pgt

  9. Dear voice-crying-in-the-wilderness, bunking off for a while is always a good idea but don't get the idea you can just walk out on us.

  10. Permission granted!

    Actually, that's the beauty of blogging: you don't need our permission to take a vacation. And because yours is (happily) not the kind of breathless blog that depends on currency of subject matter--the newest fabric, the latest issue of a shelter magazine that we've already bought, the hottest new designer no one ever heard of before--your old posts (and the comments they elicit) have plenty of material for those of us who just want to hear your voice. Hell, Charles Dickens is dead and the other night, he was just as entertaining as he ever was, so don't worry about us feeling neglected while you're away from your desk. That's what the archives are for. We'll still be here when you get back. Me, I'm off to the tent market for an armload of lilacs. They're especially lush this year, and if we were closer, I'd stop by with a bunch, still dripping with last night's rain.

  11. Very pretty water colors. Hurry back soon.

  12. I love the pearl as a metaphor for change; a grain of sand that starts as an irritation to the oyster becomes a thing of beauty.

  13. Watercolors by a beautiful delicate hand, like taking a deep breath and relaxing. Thanks.

  14. Spring can really hang you up the most, as the late great Blossom
    Dearie once sang.

  15. Rosie, come back soon and come see me I will lift your spirits. I love your art!

    Art by Karena

  16. Dear Rosie, I love your paintings and your blog, in fact I cannot believe I haven't found you sooner! Christina xx
