Monday, 22 March 2010

Bad Woman ~ Good Company

It was Toby Worthington who introduced me to the New York cabaret artiste, the legendary Julie Wilson and I am grateful for his good taste in bad women.

Read more about her from one of her devotees at STIRRED, STRAIGHT UP, WITH A TWIST  here.

Bad woman - good company. That's the point. Victor Plaar (1863-1929  ) wrote my favourite phrase 'She was wild, and sweet, and witty' of  a woman who no doubt had a reputation as scarlet as  Julie Wilson's feather boa.  

Epitaphium Citharistriae

Stand not uttering sedately
Trite oblivious praise above her!
Rather say you saw her lately
Lightly kissing her last lover.

Whisper not, ‘There is a reason
Why we bring her no white blossom.’
Since the snowy bloom's in season
Strow it on her sleeping bosom!

Oh, for it would be a pity
To o'erpraise her or to flout her:
She was wild, and sweet, and witty -
Let's not say dull things about her.


  1. All bad women are good comapany.

  2. That line~Evil Spelled Backwards Means LIVE~makes me wonder whether
    that song was ever performed by Mae West. It's very much in her style
    of 'naughty' in inverted commas.

  3. It would be a fine epitaph to have. Being dull is perhaps the worst thing to say of anyone!

  4. Toby: My wife used to work with a software developer whose vanity plate read "LIVEDATA".
    He wasn't amused when she informed him it was a palindrome for "A tad evil". Which he was, actually.

  5. So to my description of myself "I am too old for beige," I shall now aspire to be too naughty to be dull. Cheers!
