Go Go Go Su Bo ! I love Susan Boyle. Her second appearance on Britain's Got Talent was bound to be an anti-climax. This time there was no magical dissonance between her appearance and her voice but I still think the power of her personality - a winning mix of modesty, cheek and steel - shone through. Oh what a ghastly song is 'Memory' but after a shaky start it transformed her once more from frump to goddess!
What does anyone think of her makeover? I think it was masterful in the circumstances. Her hair and eyebrows were tamed, and why not? Her dress was more dramatic, more flattering; but in its shape, length and fabric echoed the debut number. Shoes were understated but took twenty years off her age. Her makeup was sweet, maybe a smidgen too much blusher?
Susan you did look fabulous and you deserved to. You're not a freak show, you're an attractive, talented woman who was completely overlooked until now. You will never have millions of people across the world sobbing in the same way again because that was a moment when all kinds of forces coalesced to make it uniquely moving. But you still have the power to entertain and give great pleasure and you mustn't be exploited. Some hope. Go Girl all the same!
Having problems embedding the you-tube video of Susan's latest appearance on Britain's Got Talent so click here to go straight to the semi-finals.
OH my God - ROSIE!
ReplyDeleteWhen she first came on it was great as she was an ugly old spinster who everyone laughed at and she proved them wrong because she had a good voice - yes we all cried and all loved it, but now I am bored of it all. There are kids on that show who have loads more talent and deserve to win a lot more than she does. The novelty has worn off now - yes, she is an ugly old woman who can sing - whophee dooo - let's face it, you hate musicals and once the circus leaves town are you really going to go and watch her in Cat's??? You should watch the whole programme and see some of the other acts whose life would REALLY change if they won - what worries me is a load of daft soppy middle-aged women are going to vote for her as they see an element of themselves in her story and the other acts which really DO have talent are going to suffer.
Nuff said........
OH OLIVIA! Thank god I have brought up a daughter who will deny my authority! I enjoyed your rant but DON'T call her an ugly old spinster or you will reinforce the prejudice she's suffered all her life. I happen to think she sounds better than Elaine Page. But anyway, there will be enough sentimental voters out there like me (not necessarily soppy women of a certain age) who will want her to win so she can sing for the Queen, her ambition. Britain's Got Talent will be a symbolic victory and it will be hers, sorry. Youngsters have their whole lives in front of them and will get the publicity they merit. Susan B. was denied opportunity half her life by caring for her mother and through very unpleasant discrimination. Life's not fair, innit.
ReplyDeleteWe need to get past the hype, the atmosphere of manufactured hysteria, and see the woman herself as someone surprisingly confident and "centered". True, her range seemed more limited this time around and there was less passionate conviction, but still, the whole thing was a great tribute to proper hairstyling and eyebrow tweezing and for that alone, I was greatly impressed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for some charming, cynical moderation here, Toby.
ReplyDeleteI guess I don't understand....I find Susan Boyle very attractive. In fact, the more I see her the more attractive she is. There are MANY so-called actresses, etc. who are not attractive at all but makeup and surgeries have corrected some of these imperfections. I, like so many others adore Susan. I would like to know just where Susan got such a negative view of herself. I've seen her as a younger person who is very attractive. Her voice is absolutely amazing. I do hope she is the winner because she is a winner!
ReplyDeleteJanet, thank you for that. It was said in the beginning that she had learning difficulties. My suggestion is that she has slightly strange social skills which set her apart in a small community. I can imagine her being bullied- in fact you can pick it up in what she says - and then becoming isolated. There is an innocence and vulnerability about her in contrast with her steely determination and apparent confidence. I could talk about her for hours. She is amazing.
ReplyDeleteOh dear, poor SuBo - the best act won though and I think that she is definitely going to benefit from not coming first - she looked sick as a parrot when she was in the final two and SOOOo relieved when Diversity won. Don't worry I am sure it won't be the last we see if her - i was thinking of booking you some tickets to the live tour at wembly - I know how much you would like to see Two Grand in action!! LOL
ReplyDeletespeak soon
Olivia It's a relief Susan didn't win and that she was so charming in defeat. Mind you there was still the inappropriate behaviour as she was dragged off the stage showing a leg! Diversity deserved to win, absolutely. I think they will encourage lots of other street dancers and lots of funding will go that way which can only be good for young inter city kids.